/me hijacks thread momentarily

Thanks, Elisabeth.

DH had his kidney stone ['upgraded' from 3.2mm to 5mm then back to 4mm] lithroscopied [I think] this afternoon. Couple of days and he should be much better [and back to work and I can have my house back]. DS gained 4oz in 8 days - still on the low side but we're happy with it. Schoolwork is caught up [except for 3 late essays], most of the final is self grading, the last assignment is 'did they do it' mostly, and the other part of the final usually takes about a minute to grade, all of the grades are added for me once they're input so all I have to do is see where they land on the scale and then turn them in.

We do have to see a geneticist with DS next month but that he's gaining weight is apparently a good sign. Our doc's office isn't really sure what it is.

To bring it back on topic...

I now have time to write and beta [almost] guiltfree [house is a mess].
Carol [who CANNOT wait to sleep in her own bed tomorrow or Wed night!]