Christmas is a time for giving, so I thought why not have ourselves a merry little ficathon and give each other the gift of a story? -- neat idea, isn't it? Yes, I knew you'd think so, too. laugh

The idea is this:

You list things you'd like to see in a story, things you don't want, ect. and then someone is assigned to write one for you. In return, you would also be assigned a story where you write for someone else. And the really cool thing is that this is like Secret Santa since no one knows beforehand who'll be writing a story for them. laugh



Note that stories don't *have* to be Christmas stories. Unless the request you get states it specifically, of course. It would be fun if stories had a Holiday theme, but I'm not going to limit anyone's inspiration by requiring them to be centered around Christmas.

1. Sign ups end December 9th (that's a full week from now).

2. In order to sign up, email your completed form (located just a little further below) to with the subject "ficathon."

3. Assignments will be given out on December 10th.

4. Stories should be at least 750 words in length.

5. You can start posting your stories as soon as you're ready. You can post them yourself, just make sure posts are labeled "ficathon" so we can identify them - also don't forget to mention who the story is for, when you post it. *g*

6. All stories should be posted before January 5th.

7. If your story is delayed - or if you find you won't be able to finish - you must let me know as soon as possible.

8. If possible, have your story beta-read. These stories are meant as Christmas presents - the contents should be as appealing as the wrapping, I think. *g*

9. No character-bashing is allowed. Neither will deathfics. And we'll not be doing nfic either, because it would be really lame for someone to not be able to read the story written for them because they don't have access to that side of the boards...


Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies