Do we know the name of any of Lois' female relatives or male for that matter? Aunts, uncles, etc.

Are there an Folcs out there who might be able to help me with info about their home areas... say for a series of articles around the world written by a roving reporter? I'd like to have the info BEFORE Nov so it won't hinder me when I get to that part smile . Say London [or other parts of the UK], France, China [because we know CK went there], Borneo of course, Greece, etc. - private emails at carolm1108 @ gmail. com [without spaces of course] welcome - stick FFQ in the subject line so it'll filter right smile .

Anyone with knowledge of the foster care system [or rather how to get out of it - judges etc.] or can I just make it up because it's in New Troy?

Big city Folcs: what would a cheap apartment cost - preferably two bedrooms, but not necessarily, at least one - studio wouldn't work. We're talking not quite rat infested and daily drive by shootings, but certainly not a brownstone complete with secret closet.

Any one know how much a Jimmy Olsen type would make? Or one small step above a Jimmy?

Thanks to all the wonderful Folcs out there who will help with this smile .

Carol [who would normally ask these over the course of several weeks or more but is trying to get this outline nailed down so that Nov can be spent writing like crazy smile ]