there are many great Lois pregnancy stories! First on my mind:

It happened one super night and the sequel It\'s a super life by Wendy Richards (warning: there is a tiny space of time during the second half of the sequel where the pregnancy has some problems, but everything goes well)

A gift for life by Stopquitdont and Jenni Debbage, where our couple have to deal with a serious problem about Clark'health but the pregnancy goes well from the beginning to the end, a very happy end!

Nan Smith "Dagger" series, from Doppelganger to Vanishing act Lois is pregnant, but the stories aren't completely focused on this aspect

There\'s always something by Xanabee, a great story!(where is that sequel, Xanabee? wink

WE\'re having a baby, my baby and me by IRC round robin

Simona smile