I think a more specific prompt would be funner in terms of showing off a specific style. For instance instead of just Halloween/holiday, how about Lois and Clark go buy a costume for Halloween? That way we can see more clearly how the stories differ from each other while being able to tell a general base. It'd be fun to see how creative people can be within those limits. Otherwise it differs little from one of those "theme challenges."
Definitely a good point, however Caroline brought up an excellent point--Halloween is only two weeks away. I should probably stray from directly referencing the holiday, as some people could not get me their piece in such a short of time. However that costume idea sounds really fun... Maybe... Lois and Clark could simply have to buy each other a costume? You pick the reason? Hm... something to think about, because that idea cracks me up.

Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile