Oh, and add my voice to those who... uh... don't do that!
Ya know... I think it's safe to assume that none of us do it. *lol*

And Jax, it you hold off 6 months to post, I'm personally going to go over there and slap you silly. And don't think it's an empty threat -- I've hopped on a plane and gone to knock some sense into a few FoLCs already.

This said, though - I feel a lot better after reading this, considering I'm not done with the last part of [K]nightfall yet. Y'all can thank RL for this -- and my employer for sending us on a torture session.... I mean... a team-building activity that just about killed me.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies