Honestly people didn't exactly chat with each other via computers back then!
Wow, so all those hours I spent on IRC starting in 1995 never happened? Must have eaten one of those funny mushrooms and dreamed a decade of my life. wink

Considering it was the second part of the L&C fandom I got involved with -- the first being reading fanfic (back when you sent a text command request to majordomo and had the bot email you the stories, LOL) -- I can most emphatically say that people were indeed chatting via computer in the mid-90's. I got online in the summer of 1995, and the chat rooms (both AOL and IRC) were well established by that time.

And while we may not have used all the acronyms -- I don't remember OMG being used until later, for example -- things like *g*, *vbg*, LOL, ROTFL, : ) , ; ) , and the like were commonly used. In fact, I remember someone using the term *beg* in response to my first fanfic, and I couldn't figured out what they were begging me to do. goofy