Yvonne, this was great, again. I like how they're melding into a nice relationship, work or not.

It's neat how she wanted to go with him, and how he cared enough to go tell Lana, however I think they're in for it when Lana tells her husband about their visit, which she surely will.

Nice way you talked about the price of their furnishings, very well snuck in there. (snuck? sneak, sneaked, snuck? grin) And about Lois being dumb, it was a good way to show she wasn't the same Lois as the other one, but it was good to let her be herself at the end and just let Lana have the facts.

Lana is such a b****. Totally a mean and rotten person. I should remember how you showed that when I'm trying to portray a character as rotten!

Again, as always, I'll have to count the days till the next segment appears. Are they all written or are you just keeping ahead of us by the skin of your teeth...seat of your pants?

until later...Nancy smile1

It's always such an embarrassment. Having to do away with someone. It's like announcing to the world that you lack the savvy and the finesse to deal with the problem more creatively. I mean, there have been times, naturally, when I've had to have people eliminated, but it's always saddened me. I've always felt like I've let myself down somehow.