WOOPS....... Sorry about the mis-quote there... do not have a clue as to how I made that mistake

Claude: and puns...

let's ramble a bit (because isn't procrastinating from the real world fun!!!!!!!!)

Claude.....Claw/Claws... reminds me if Inspector Gadget
and the image is closer to Mr Smith from Vixen etc (as opposed to luckabe)

Claude... Forward (as in his manner was very forward...)

btw. I liked the Guillotine reference
then if you use DuBois there is always "THE DUBIOUS Monsieur Claude DuBois" (but is that what you were going for Terry, I read your fic when LL goes into space and Claude is murdered?)
and I loved that fic....one of my fav's the write stuff

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

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