oooh - a name that starts with a K sounds like a good idea. Kendall sounds rather English, though... and I can't even find one really French sounding name that starts with a K - I checked through the phonebook, even, but all the names sound foreign. Mind you, he can have a foreign name, they don't exactly all have specifically French-sounding names in France, do they?

A suave name, to me, would probably begin with "De" - that would give it some standing, some nobility. To me, anyway. ("De" means "Of")

Here are a few that I got from a listing of popular French names... All of these I've seen written as one word or two (with the "De" separate or not)


They all sound noble and rich to me... wink The first and last would be my preferred choices, if that helps at all.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies