I was just reading the book "Heat Wave" by Michael Jan Friedman .

I was really ticked because the author has Superman do a criminally irresponsible thing. He built a "community pool" by digging a hollow in a vacant lot, lining it with rubber by melting abandoned tires then fills it by scooping up "several hundred gallons of water" from the bay.

I wanted to rant about the author having Superman do something so stupid. But I looked up the author. Mr.Friedman was born in 1955, which made him 41 years old when "Heat Wave" was published.

In the series, at the time the book took place, Clark was just 30. So maybe he would do something so stupid. But oh the negative backlash from the Health Department, Fire Department, and Parks department.

I can just see Lois & Clark being handed the story on the backlash.

So does anyone know of some stories where Clark does something so stupid and has to endure the backlash?

