Hi, guys!

For anyone wondering what the heck happened to the Mayson Drake-centric 'A Million Little Pieces,' it hasn't met its demise! blush

After a McCrazyPants hiatus from the boards thanks to a completely unexpected out-of-state assignment at the mid-size daily newspaper I work for (I've been in D.C. for the last five and a half months!), I'm finally back in Kentucky and (almost) have my Lexington life back in order.

I've also got the next chapter ready to post and the final few are *almost* there. Finally, whew. laugh

For all of you who've read, commented and encouraged me while this story has evolved, a huge thanks and metaphysical hugs all around — I know I dropped off the face of the 'net for the last few months, but I haven't forgotten you! hail

Also, for for last few days, I've been going back to the first fourteen chapters of AMLP and giving the story a bit of a face-lift — I've tightened some of the writing (it's a learning process, and I've definitely grown in the year since I started posting it), and changed the tense I used. Just wanted to give y'all a heads-up.

And again, a huge thank-you to everyone here for putting up with me. wink

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien