Lois & Clark Forums
Hi, guys!

For anyone wondering what the heck happened to the Mayson Drake-centric 'A Million Little Pieces,' it hasn't met its demise! blush

After a McCrazyPants hiatus from the boards thanks to a completely unexpected out-of-state assignment at the mid-size daily newspaper I work for (I've been in D.C. for the last five and a half months!), I'm finally back in Kentucky and (almost) have my Lexington life back in order.

I've also got the next chapter ready to post and the final few are *almost* there. Finally, whew. laugh

For all of you who've read, commented and encouraged me while this story has evolved, a huge thanks and metaphysical hugs all around — I know I dropped off the face of the 'net for the last few months, but I haven't forgotten you! hail

Also, for for last few days, I've been going back to the first fourteen chapters of AMLP and giving the story a bit of a face-lift — I've tightened some of the writing (it's a learning process, and I've definitely grown in the year since I started posting it), and changed the tense I used. Just wanted to give y'all a heads-up.

And again, a huge thank-you to everyone here for putting up with me. wink
Hey, welcome back! We've missed you. twins

LabRat smile
Thanks so much, Labby! As much fun as it was to be on assignment, it's great to be back. Especially here. *g*
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