
I think it was about 7 years ago (wow – that long!) when a few of us thought it would be a good idea to have an index of stories available for easy reference that folcs might find useful. I volunteered to be the public spokesperson for the group. The others that have been involved over the years wish to remain behind the scenes, which is why I sign off ‘Dawn & Crew’. Until they post or give me the okay to post for them I will respect that.

It’s been years since I’ve written anything, though I’ve got a few wips I’m working on off and on. I’ve even considered re-working and expanding on my first story, which I consider my best one. We’ll see if RL will cooperate on that.

I do the indexes because of the enjoyment I’ve gotten from this community over the years and it is my way of contributing something. We have a very special group of people. I’ve been a member since the original airing of Season 2 on ABC, though I’ve rarely posted except for the indexes due to the aforementioned RL.

Paul, thank you for your kind words of support. I didn’t see the original message but I do greatly appreciate you coming to my defense.

And, Arawn, thank you for editing your post and for apologizing and for your intent in posting.
