Just TEN???!!! You've got to be kidding! grumble Well, OK, I'll make the attempt to narrow it down that much. No guarentees.

You Made Me Love You by Zoomway (it's a series)
24 Hours by Wendy Richards (seriously, you'll need a box of Kleenex for this one. I'm trying REALLY hard to only pick one by each author, and it's darn near impossible with Wendy!)
Proof series by Sue S. (absolutely beautiful, and just barely edges out Platonic or Faustian Bargain )
An Affair to Remember by David (OMG, this is so wonderful)
Are You Lonesome Tonight? by Dr. Klein's Labrat (hah, Labby, I know the full name!)
Un-series by CC Aiken (love it)
A Consumamate Revelation by the Gorn (nfic only!)
Dark Revelation by Tank Wilson (any of Tank's fics are good)
Escape from New Krypton by ML Thompson (one of her newer ones, and I've read it 5 times in the past month. I love how she changes Kal to Clark. But it's really hard to pick just one of ML's fics!)
A Gift for Life by SQD and Jenni Debbage (tops on my list. Another one where you need Kleenex)
Home series by Nan Smith (or maybe the Night at the Office series. Again, hard to pick just one!)
In Dreams by Kaylle (haunting, this one. Altworld story, one of the best)
Learning Curves by Chris Carr
Lost and Found by Jeff Brogden
PML Oh Boy! by Tank and Wendy
Rest and Reproduction by Meredith Knight (I had a hard time just picking one of Meredith's fics)
Strangers series by Missy Gallant
To Wake from Dreams by Nicole Sullivan (second on my list of all time favorites. This is the most haunting TOGOM re-write I've ever read)
When Friends become Lovers by Demi and Kathy Brown (and the sequel When Lovers become More by Kathy Brown)
When You Needed Me Most by Erin Klingler
Cloud Nine by TicandToc (Janet Owens is really the name. Very funny take on the beginning season!)

Argh!! Too many, and I haven't picked one from everyone yet! I forgot Pam, and Yvonne, and the Sara(h)s, Kaethel, and AnnieM, and Annette, and Carol, and Gerry, and...

EDIT and DJ (total brain fart there, DJ!) and Carol and Shayne and Terry and Paul (how could I forget Paul? Sorry!) and Dandello and Lara and Judith and Rhen and...I'm still not cutting much out, am I? fiddlesticks.

*whoosh* Deep breath here. Nope, couldn't do ten. Heck, couldn't do twenty. I count twenty-one. Could we go for a top 50?


EDITED to add links to stories and add a few more really fabulous authors everyone should read.

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love - time is eternity --Henry van Dyke