I think I answered no. 6.....?????
Tempus goes back in time (to before 1980) and hypnotises John Lennon with a new set of glasses. JL, while under tempus' influence, then starts to drink the blood of a cow (all 40L). The cow doesn't like this, so JL gets kicked in the head, and the resultant brain damage and cow blood lead to a serious brain infection...

Yoko Ono then approaches the pope for some form of healing ceremony (presumably a mulit-faith 1, Not the traditional Catholic last rights)

This all takes place in a time where JL would otherwise be working on his music and peace activism, distracting the nation and preventing some major event from happening, thus changing the course of events so Clark never reaches metropolis

So, how did I go?
Please don't tell me I gave the whole game away so you cannot write it any more

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

The Neuroscientist: Eating glass makes you smart...do you want to see what you can learn?