It sounds reasonable to me. At the risk of sounding like I come from a family of nerds (I do) my father was an MD but he had a Masters in biochemistry, and I think another in Physics. He was fascinated by mathematics and loved astronomy. He and my brother built a pretty decent reflecting telescope so that they could go outside on clear nights when we lived in Indiana and observe the sky. He loved all kinds of music (played the trombone, bass fiddle and piano) and he was into Natural Science and a bunch of other things as well. (He was always bringing home exotic animals, when we lived in Trinidad and Panama, so he could show them to my brother, sister and me) Mom hated it. She didn't appreciate the two-toed sloth that he kept in the downstairs playroom for two days before he took it out into the jungle to release it, and she *really* didn't like the foot-long alligator he kept in the washtub on the screened-in porch for two months while we were in North Carolina. Needless to say, he took that out to a stream in the woods and turned it loose, as well. So I see no reason that Dr. Klein couldn't have an expertise in astronomy in addition to everything else he does.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.