Originally posted by HatMan:
He's good at all that sciency stuff. Whatever the writers need him to be good at this week.
When it gets down to it, though, he's a nerd. He likes science. ...He works in a building full of nerds ... Lunchtime at STAR Labs should probably be worth college credit. ...So, he's aware of stuff outside of his field because he's interested in it and, whatever it is, the guy down the hall is probably an expert in it.
From my experience in science, once you get the qualifications/degrees in whatever field (medical research, psychology, enginering/physics.....chemistry/pharmacology and drug design...) there is no stopping where you can go in the science world, you just have to prove the ability to perform and produce quality research, and after that you can chose in which direction you want to pursue further

If he is that brilliant really,
then there is no reason (industrially) why he cannot be a *Jack--of-all-trades* within the scientific community... having a hand in lots of pies simultaneously, while he has students working under him and doing their own PHD's, he may learn theory from their results while they learn technique from him...

to quote my old biology professor... A symbiotic relationship...

Just like your high-school teacher was required to teach you chem/bio/physics/astronomy... and no scientist exists where a biologist knows nothing about physics or chemistry and the same for Physics/chem/bio in whatever combinations

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

The Neuroscientist: Eating glass makes you you want to see what you can learn?