ok... so as there is no confusion... I will try and help out a little bit...
This is a big difference with what you had before (Ie a Proper noun)

a PROnoun is a word that takes the place of a noun
PRO coming from the Latin meaning FOR as in swapping this for that

In essence: He, She, It, They, Them, We, are all pronouns
Can you think of more?

So in the sentence (The best way to learn these grammatical rules):
Lois and Clark were flying above the clouds; they were kissing at the same time.

L&C are [B]Proper nouns [B]
were flying [B]imperfect past tense...[B] because we do not know if they are still flying...
above the clouds [B] I forget but was mentioned above... [B] hihi
NO CONJUNCTION due to the use of a semicolon....

THEY [B]Pronoun[B]
were kissing [B] still in the past-imperfect tense [B]\
At the same time [B]I think is an adverb, as it describes the time sequence of the flight and kiss...[B]

A rule of thumb for PROPER nouns, is that these nouns are written with a Capitol letter anywhere in the sentence...
As in People's Names, The Plannet (short for THe Daily Plannet) Place names such as Metropolis (which in reality the fictional city was just named Metropolis because it literally means Large City... so if I were to write Ney York is a modern Metropolis, just as Athens and Rome were ancient metropolises )

[ smile ] hope this helps

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