Thanks to the committee members for all their hard work (unpaid, I must add).

Thanks to the folks who nominated one of my stories and one of my characters! Woo-hoo!


(I can't tell you how long it took me to type this and spell everything correctly.)

I plan to read a bunch of stuff over the next few, but it's going to be hard to say "this is the best in this category" for any of these offerings! This fandom has some of the best authors in the world, including books, newsletters, scriptwriters, and cereal box ingredient lists across the globe. I'm honored just to be included in their lofty company.

Thank you for letting me play in your sandbox! And thank you for the nominaations!


Edit: I just noticed that I misspelled 'nominations.' Oh, well, just chalk it up to my excitement!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing