Hey guys!

I'm sorry I'm so late this week. I wanted to tahnk you allfor still being around. I'm thrill that you're still hanging there with this story. smile1

Btw, I've decided I'm not going to defend myself any longer from your evilness accusations... None of you seem to believe me (me scratches head, wondering why)

So, on with the repplies:

Wendy said:

Poor Clark! He pours out his heart to Lois - and that was a lovely, very well-written conversation - and what does she do? She sends him away! But not before she tells him that Luthor, of all people, knows who he is. Poor, poor Clark!!
I'm really happy you thought the conversation was good.
I know Lois is a little stubborn... ok, ok... a lot. BUt Clark HAS lied to her. Yeah, I know he had his reasons... Come on, give Lois a little credit. She might surprise you in not so long.

Jose, you know you can't hide for long ... You need me :p ... And you know I'd like to avoid blackmailing you...

Labrat said:

Wonderful, Cris. I figured where he was heading with this, and it was satisfying to see.
The following discussion was insightful, emotional and very natural. In fact, the entire segment showed a wonderful understanding of the characters.
Wow, I just... don't know what to say... blush I guess achieving that much is always a goal, but I didn't think the ideas and feelings would get through so well. THanks.

Tricia, I'd have to copy your entire segment blush blush Can't believe your nomination actually surprised you! You know that without you I wouldn't have made it this far. Your comments and help are more than I could ask for. Thanks for everything. Glad you like this still the second time around.

Maria, I'm glad you liked the speech.

Gabriele, thanks a lot for the nice comments. You've made some interesting points... Just hang in there a little and you might see a more rational Lois (even if slightly!)

Gald you're still there and liking this, Merry.

Me said:

I found Clark took the whole "Luthor knows" far too calmly. I figured his first thought would have been to protect his parents.
You're probably right, but I doubt that Clark has actually taken all in yet. Hope you like his reaction in part 8.

Tanks said:

Cris, this was a very scary part for a couple of reasons
Define scary... I know Lois's attitude mioght get a little maddening at times. It just takes time. Btw, you really seem to need that cage... Would you actually be disappointed without it?

Thanks again everyone. I'll be back with more of the story soon.

