Cris, this was a very scary part for a couple of reasons. First, because Lois is being so stupid. I know it's in character for this particular part of continuity but it's so frustrating to see her acting so egotistical and thinking everything that Clark or Lex does is motivated by jealousy over her. It's one of the reasons I always hated this particular arc. The fact that she makes no connection to a possible danger to Clark by Luthor knowing the secret is nearly unforgivable (but then, who among us can't eventually forgive Lois anything).

The other thing is... what is Luthor going to do with his knowledge? Of course, he may not have to do anything because bozo brain just walked into his lair and probably will wind up in some sort of green glowing cell. It would serve both Clark and Lois right if Superman died in that cell and Lois was stuck with Lex for how stupid both of them are being.

Tank (who figures Perry is fine, the gruff voice probably belongs to his source)