Well, I'd be very careful about writing an adaptation of a novel. The author might not appreciate it and you could get in trouble (as well as the boards). Somebody did something similar on Zoom's boards and it caused a LOT of problems. I wouldn't do it. An idea from a novel is one thing.. an adaptation is something entirely different.

But I'd think that any job references would just go to the agency providing the protection. And wouldn't the agency set them up anyway? I'd say resume is the most common term. But CV is used also - especially in academia.

We usually use "resume" not CV. Heck, I didn't even know what a CV *was* until I started hanging around with Dr. Wendy Richards
What's Wendy's doctorate in?

I would imagine that you would be pressed not to stay in your same career especially a high profile career.
I agree. I wouldn't think it would be allowed at all.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~