Im thinking of writing an adaptation of a novel i read about witnes protection...

I have a querie though...
As L&C are professionals, when moving and establishing new identities etc., they would probably want to continue working in a professional environment...

ie. continue working in some sort of literary field, writing, or teaching, etc.

but in these careers one needs to bring along resumes/CVs, how would one do this with references etc. if on the winess protection program?

The book I read was about an accoutant, who got some phoney references from Mi5 (the main character being brittish). But I am unsure how this would work with the American system, and am having trouble sorting out how L&C could re-establish themselves without any references...

The references being the key point, as in the more intelectual careers references are a necessity, as oposed to trades like plumbing, where skills are important... if they were to change careers into teaching etc they would ned references...

what is the more usual term in the states...
Curriculum Vitae (C.V) help confused

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