I'm sorry, but I'm going to be a lazy respondent this evening. Instead of giving detailed replies, I'm just going to say a huge thank you to you all. I do appreciate the comments! smile

Okay, I'll go back and add in a sentence to my master copy to suggest that CJ turned his kettle off. smile Curiously, it didn't cross my mind that this was going to be a problem. (It's not something my betas noticed, either.) When I thought about what you'd said, I realised that it wasn't so much an oversight on my part as an assumption that CJ, like me, had one of those electric kettles that switches itself off. He wouldn't have needed to do anything.

Those of you who commented on CJ's kettle, do you use a gas hob, by any chance? Just curious. wink

For those of you who are worried, I haven't forgotten the whole 'they're married in the other world' thing, and Lois will do some thinking, and talking, about it eventually.

Hazel: Luthor shot someone (can't remember who) to save Lois in S1. Also, after he came back to life in S2, I got the impression that he was going to get his hands dirty; he didn't really have flunkies then. (Well, he had Nigel, but he was a traitor, and in S3 he had Asabi, but I got the impression that Asabi was the kind of person who would say what needed to be done, but he didn't atually do it. In fact -- although I hesitate to mention the Argh! -- now I think about it, Luthor and 'Wanda' broke into StarLabs,themselves.)
