How about uhm...Lemme see what favours google will do me...I dunno if these are any help...
"The boy's name Rai is pronounced RYE-ee. It is of Japanese origin, and its meaning is "trust; lightning, thunder." Also a Spanish short form of Raimundo."
"Barak is pronounced ba-RAHK, BARE-ek. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "flash of lightning." Biblical: a valiant fighting man who cooperated with the prophetess Deborah to win victory in a battle against overwhelming odds. See also Barric."

Hrm...uh....Sterling? Starling? a bird...uhm...Flint? Steele?
Hey what about elvish? Dare ya to use an elvish name for someone....then the public'll assume its kryptonian maybe...hehe...oh dear I might be getting a little silly from lack of sleep.

In this life of froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone.
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own.