Well, the Alt-Kerths for this year are over again and we proudly present the list of winners:

Best Commenter: Sara Kraft

Best Comment Folder Title: I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the.. *ahem* FDK: An Affair to Remember 4 by Sara Kraft

Best Kerth Presentation Speech: 2006 Kerth Awards - Best Drama by Kaethel and Sara Kraft

Best Kerth Acceptance Speech: 2005 Alt-Kerth Awards - Best Kerth Presentation Speech by Yvonne Connell (as George)

Best Icon: 1000 Fanfics by Anna Belcher

Best Banner: Away From the Sun by Anna Belcher

Best Wallpaper: Friends by Anna Belcher

Best Music/Story Match in a Trailer: The Alphabet Series by Pam Jernigan

Best Image/Story Match in a Trailer: Tie! An Affair to Remember by Sara Kraft and Twist of Fates by Psychorfurball and Sara Kraft

Best Overall Trailer: Three-way Tie!Caped Fear by Aria and Good Samaritan by Aria and Tryst by Aria

Best Comedic Video: The Lonely Goatherd by C_A

Best Dramatic Video: Tie! I'll Be Okay by Anna Belcher and She's by Psychofurball

Best New Vidder: Aria

Best Overall Video: She's by Psychofurball

Congratulations to all the winners! party And congrats to all the nominees as well. You were all good and the choices were very hard to make.

Our thanks go to all those who've helped made these Awards possible: Those who nominated, those who voted, those who've discussed things with us, those who presented a category, those who've helped us in other ways I haven't yet mentioned. You help was greatly appreciated, and without you, it wouldn't have been so fantastic!

So hopefully, we'll see you all again next year!

The Alt-Kerth Committee
~Anna, Rachel, Sara and Saskia

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!