Originally posted by Helga:
I also had two friends (who'd known each other since they were babies) who had a different language that worked in a similar way, rearranging the words. They never shared it with the rest of us, and I'm never quite sure where they learnt it from. Frustratingly, I could understand what they were saying, but I could never figure out how they made the words, so I couldn't reply...
interestingly enough your friends' own language is not a new phenomenon... there were a pair of twins amongst some of the collonialists (I don't remember what you call the first brittish settlers... but at the same time as the first thanksgiving stories etc.)
Anyway these twins were born deaf, to hearing parents... and being the only deaf individuals in the NEW WORLD... the twins invented their own sign language... and taught those arround them to understand using gesticulations at first... but this eventually turned into the standard AMS which you have now...

I remebered this from first year psychology at uni... and my american history is limited to mainly the simpsons and nickelodian cartoons etc., that i watched as a kid,

but hey... on a lighter note (or is it) a survey done less than 10 years ago found that aussie kids know more about american history than our own (through the same cartoons)... most of us could give accurate grade school accounts of the guetisberg address, or martin luther king jr, be able to name the first 5 or so presidents and more...talk about the bill of rights, and the constitution of the US,... but yet say only 1/10 kids could name our first PM... let alone the 2nd... let alone the important ones during the WW1 and 2 etc.

what does it say about us that we know more about JFK and those conspiracy theories than Harold Holt (one of our PMs who mysteriously drowned off the coast of victoria, and whos body was never found... presumed eaten by sea lice)...

[Note from Admin: Edited just to fix the glitch in your quote commands so they worked, Beethoven. smile ]

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