Hi RSF smile

First, welcome to the boards. And congratulations on writing and posting fic! thumbsup

But I'd like to echo the advice Anna and Erica (MDL) gave you to have your stories BRed before posting. I see that you know you need help with spelling and grammar - the problem is that readers on these boards are pretty much used to reading stories which have already been edited to remove most of the spelling and grammar errors. So they may be less patient than on other websites where stories contain a lot of mistakes.

If you have problems with spelling, do use your computer's spellchecker or a dictionary - there are several online dictionaries, such as www.dictionary.com. For grammar, the Fanfic Archive has a very helpful grammar guide ; it's not comprehensive, but it's a good start. Another favourite site of mine is Charles Darling\'s Guide to Grammar and Writing . Try these as well as getting a BR - believe me, you'll find that your writing will really improve. thumbsup

Good luck!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*