Hi CC -

That seems to be a good recap of what happened. I don't have season 4 taped, so I was so desperate recently that I read the scripts for the fourth season episodes.

The troll seemed to be so ashamed of his appearance, and so enamored of his father Lex, that he refused to show his face to the world as Lex Luthor Jr. He wanted to rebuild his father's empire but didn't want to be the image people thought of when they thought of Lex's son.

So he hired Leslie Luckabee to fill in for him. To be the poster boy for the company. He also had Leslie seduce Lois, (try actually) again I think this was some sick fantasy he was playing out in his mind. He didn't think she would love him for how he looked...so then he implanted that thing in her to try to force her to love him (big mistake of course).

I thought that the troll had had Vixen created to set up a sympathy play for Leslie Luckabee. She tried to kill him after all. Maybe for a sympathy vote? But Leslie helped Superman to destroy Vixen, and then gave the credit to Superman. They needed to hide the fact of how evil Leslie was...how evil the troll was...acting through him.

Leslie said it was such a waste. Like 5 hundred million dollars. But the troll said it was worth it, she was created to take revenge on the C.E.O's who had taken over Lex's empire and to make Leslie look like a hero when she was defeated.

Anyway, that's what I remember of it and those are my feelings on it.

Where are you going with this, by the way... wink

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.