Well, I've been writing a story which is more or less ready for posting, and I very much want to post it, too. But I have been told that my story is so *alt-Clark* that it may be a good idea to post a warning and a bit of a presentation first, to let anyone who wants to read it know what they are in for.

In my story, I try to show Lois and Clark's love story as the stuff of fairy tales and myths. And because I'm a serious space buff, I set this love story against a decidedly cosmic backdrop.

I'm the sort of space buff who is absolutely overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of space. It is my gut feeling that space is simply too vast for interstellar travel to be meaningful, or feasible. So in my story, when the Kryptonians flee their doomed planet and try to reach the Earth, they fail. Every last one of them perish out in space, every last one of them but Clark. Because he is the only one of them, the absolutely only one of them, who has someone waiting for him here on Earth. And the person waiting for Clark is Lois.

In my story, the Kryptonians are aliens. That may not sound too original. But you see, in my story they look alien, and I don't think I've seen that in a LnC story before.

Clark originally looks alien, too. But when baby Lois makes contact with baby Clark, he spontaneously changes and attunes his body to hers. He becomes human. But he still has this underlying alien matrix, and he could conceivably revert to his Kryptonian shape. Take a hint form me: he does.

My story is called "Sara Lois Rose". This is also the name of Lois and Clark's daughter, and a very, very special girl she is, too... (and I'm not implying that she is retarded). She plays a crucual role in this story, fighting for her parents' love.

My story will be posted in the nfic folder only. I see Lois and Clark's lovemaking as an extremely important expression of the almost cosmic bond of theirs that links them across the light-years. Don't expect to see them hit the hay together again and again, though. There will be two lovemaking scenes, or three if you bear in mind that the first one will be shown first from Lois's point of view, and then from Clark's. These lovemaking scenes are extremely important and lead to huge consequences.

And now, a few specific warnings. Don't expect this story to feel like an episode from the ABC TV show. This is very alt-Clark, and also very alt-Lois. If you don't like that, you probably shouldn't read it.

Second, let me apologize here and now for my treatment of Jonathan. My story deals explicitly with xenophobia, and with what it's like for Clark to be the absolutely last of his kind anywhere in the universe and to live on the Earth and look decidedly alien.

Well, I make Jonathan a representative of xenophobic people. Not so that Jonathan ever does anything to hurt Clark - I really don't make him that bad. But there are clearly times when he is seen to be afraid of Clark's alienness.

Also, if you read this story, please accept that not all things in it are explained. Accept that the link between Lois and Clark is so overwhelmingly strong that many seemingly supernatural things happen because of it.

Last but not least, I'll try to do something I've never done before: insert a link here, as a bit of a teaser. In my story, Krypton is in orbit around one of the three suns of the nearest star of them all, triple star system Alpha Centauri. Well, it so happens that our Sun looks extremely lovely when seen from Alpha Centauri, as it seems to float superimposed on distant clouds of rose-colored nebulosity. Because of that, the Kryptonians in my story call our Sun "the Rose". To see what our Sun would look like from Alpha Centauri, use this link:

Our Sun seen from Alpha Centauri

I hope some of you will find "Sara Lois Rose" a worthy story, and I hope the rest of you will consider yourselves forewarned!
