Q: Having set Another Hope in an already existing universe, I find myself wondering if there was any concern on your part regarding copyrights?

No, because I wrote this book for myself. This is a self-published story and is not a commercial book. Yes, it is for sale on Amazon, but only my family, friends and acquaintances know it’s there.
Excuse me... so if a customer browsing around Amazon wants to buy it (thus resulting to actual profit for her and her company), they won't be allowed to?
*much rolling of the eyes*

Q: What would you say to others who dream of writing a novel based on an existing world setting?

Writing such a novel is a lot of fun, especially if you have friends who are constantly saying, “Well, what if a certain character were put in a certain situation? I wonder how it would turn out.”
In 1999, that question was put to me, because as you know, the first three episodes of Star Wars were finally in the works. In these new movies, there are additional characters that could have made the older Star Wars universe even more exciting.
That’s what happened to me, as I found the characters of young Anakin and Padmé from Episode 1 and Ryoo and Pooja from Episode 2 impossible to resist. How would they grow and change over so many years? That is a fascinating question.
Okay, that's... I mean, Jesus! It's FUN? That's ALL she has to say??


See ya,

P.S.: ABSOLUTELY LOVE the tags the customer gave it on Amazon. Hee laugh

What we've got here is failure to communicate...