By whom, Chriscy?
My high school food & nutrition teacher, and I think she might have gotten it from some health magazine or other, because she's addicted to all glossy kinds of publications...in fact, I think she planned all her lessons around the latest thing she read. goofy Also, I was shopping once with a friend who was on an extreme and unhealthy diet (who, frankly, I still think has a bit of a problem) and she bought a lot of Splenda, claiming that it's the healthiest kind of sweetener.

But I wouldn't know any better, because I don't use sweeteners anyway. I tried on several occasions to put sweeteners in my drink (I think I tried using Twin, Equal, and some other one) and I always disliked the aftertaste so much I had to throw my drink out. I now just take good 'ol sugar - three teaspoons at least per cup - and ignore the calorie/tooth-rotting thing. goofy