By whom, Chriscy?

Saccharin (pink packets) got a bad rap a while back because they thought it caused cancer. Turns out, though, that it only causes cancer in mice if you give them giant doses which would be unreasonable for a human. Not only that, but rats and humans have an enzyme which mice lack. So it's perfectly safe in humans.

Splenda (new yellow packets) is sugar. It's modified so that it's not digested.

There used to be older yellow packets, but they, like saccharin, got a bad rap. They're safe, but they're almost gone now. I think Tab cola (which is also almost gone) is about the last place you'll find it.

Aspartame/Nutrasweet (blue packets) is actually more like a protein. There have never been proven health risks, but it's a larger particle.

All three need to be removed from your blood. It's extra work for your kidneys. Nutrasweet is a little harder on the kidneys than the others, but that's a long term issue with high doses. It's nowhere near as bad as, say, a high-protein diet.

Basically... they're all okay. In large doses, over time, they'll take some toll, but that's about it.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.