This is interesting!

It definitely depends on what I'm writing. When I'm writing about my opinion, the words fly out on the keyboard really quickly, usually in an acceptably organized way. If they're too messy, I just clean it up later. It's a very, very, natural self-expressive process.

When I'm writing about something I'm not interested in that I have to do, like a research paper, the words take forever to drag out, I have to formulate and organize all thoughts and facts in my head first, sometimes I will have to write some sort of outline on paper.

When I'm writing a story or a play, it's much different. For me to start writing a story or a play, I sort of vaguely decide what I want to happen, and usually, somehow the story writes itself. I sort of see everything happen in my mind, and I write it all down as it's "happening"...which is why a lot of the time I have a lot of little nitty details that aren't really necessary to the plot but I have to have there to capture exactly how I saw it in my head. The nice thing is, the story/play really writes itself this way, because as long as I provide a spark, I let the characters react accordingly.

And I used to be a strictly paper-only kind of girl but I've grown out of that...the computer's just so much better for me because I can type a lot faster than I can write and I can put things into paragraphs a few pages after I've written it, break things up, put things together, copy and paste...and there are no messy squiggles or symbols.