From Daneel
Ditto Stargate!!

James!!! Is the muse in gear?

From Karen
*eyes James*
It's still in the gestation stage, but yes, I am writting a series of stories that X with Stargate. I've been a little busy betaing for another writer of Stargate, who, while having a wonderful ideas for stories, is painfully in need of a beta reader (About 90% of her paragraphs need touching!), so I am just finishing beating...er, betaing the last part of her story and so I have some free time to put into my stories, of which there are already 5 in the works, give or take 2.

The beta for the first story should be getting something soon...

Crossovers I'd like to see...hmmm
Trading Spaces: Imagine if the designer wanted to redo the living room on Hyperion Ave.

Knight Rider:(really showing my age there)

CSI:the original show:I just can't imagine Grisome being fooled by Clark's alter-ego.

Early Edition

Quantum Leap

7 Days:Now that it has been on the SciFi channel, more people will recognize it.

Law & Order

Really out there Crosses




I could go on with really wacky ones, but I'll read about any crossover, except Desperate Housewives.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!