Does anyone have any experience with how compound fractures are treated once the person is in the emergency room? Assuming the skin is broken, but the break is very clean (no shattering or fragments or anything), I'm assuming the bone would be set and the wound wound be stitched up. Would a cast be put on considering that it would be covering broken skin? What kind of medication would follow? I'm guessing antibiotics and at least some sort of pain reliever. But can anyone get any more specific for me? Would the person be released immediately, or kept in the hospital? What's the general timeframe for treatment of this type, once the person has actually been admitted?

The only experience I've ever had with broken bones was a hairline fracture of my pinky toe, and the doctor basically gave me some tape, told me to walk with my weight off it, and sent me on my way :p

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.