Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Aria FFQ: Compound Fractures - 06/13/05 09:05 AM
Does anyone have any experience with how compound fractures are treated once the person is in the emergency room? Assuming the skin is broken, but the break is very clean (no shattering or fragments or anything), I'm assuming the bone would be set and the wound wound be stitched up. Would a cast be put on considering that it would be covering broken skin? What kind of medication would follow? I'm guessing antibiotics and at least some sort of pain reliever. But can anyone get any more specific for me? Would the person be released immediately, or kept in the hospital? What's the general timeframe for treatment of this type, once the person has actually been admitted?

The only experience I've ever had with broken bones was a hairline fracture of my pinky toe, and the doctor basically gave me some tape, told me to walk with my weight off it, and sent me on my way :p
Posted By: YConnell Re: FFQ: Compound Fractures - 06/13/05 09:32 AM
Ooh! I don't know the answer, but I know why the question is being asked, and I'm very intrigued...

Yvonne smile1
Posted By: DocJill Re: FFQ: Compound Fractures - 06/13/05 02:14 PM
It's going to depend on which bone is broken, how many pieces and if there are other injuries. Unless it's a fairly clean compound fracture, the displacement is going to be severe enough to require internal fixation - meaning the orthopedic surgeons get involved, take ya to the OR and possibly put a nail in to hold the bone in place while it heals (this is also very true and necessary if the bone is broken into more than one piece and displaced).

If it is really a very simple compound fracture and can be reduced back through the skin and set in the ER, then we would do that, but several X-rays would be involved to ensure that the bone makes it back to the right place, and that the break isn't worse than originally thought.

Then, as far as covering the skin break and medications goes...during the operation scenario, the wound can be cleaned pretty well, and then closed. In the ER, if reduced and set, we would put in stitches to close the wound (numbing it first and cleaning it pretty well). Then it would get casted - hairlines and smaller fractures can sometimes get away with aircasts or slings, but compounds are going to need a cast. But the cast would not get put on in the ER...we put on a splint (hard plaster) in the ER and then they follow up in Ortho clinic in a week to get the actual cast. There's going to ge a lot of swelling involved over the next several days, and if you put a cast on in the ER it's going to get too tight when the significant swelling starts.

And yes, the person will get put on antibiotics and pain medication (narcotics). I can give you names of meds if you want, but how specific do you want to get? After OR, person would be admitted for a while (few days) and on a morphine drip, then switched to oral pain meds. Also on IV antibiotics, then switched to oral antibiotics. From the ER, they may be sent home if it's easily reduced, on both oral pain meds and antibiotics - we'd usually do like Percocet and Augmentin or something...

Most likely time frame would be ending up going to OR and getting admitted for 2-3 days. Then there'd be 4-6 weeks for healing in the cast (again, gonna depend on the bone).

I think that covers most stuff, let me know if you need anything else or anthing more specific.

Jill smile
Posted By: Aria Re: FFQ: Compound Fractures - 06/13/05 06:25 PM
Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for Jill, I really appreciate the detail you went into smile
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