Yes, article from a webpage works. How to reference them, here are two bits of information I found on a google search..

include the title of the web page, the name of the entire web site, the organization that posted it (this may be the same as the name of the website). Also include the full date the page was created or last updated (day, month, year if available) and the date you looked at it.

Internet Magazine Articles:
Include the company that provides the database service and its home webpage; the full date of the article (day, month, year if available) and the date you looked at it; as well as the library or other organization (and its location) that provided you with access to the service. If you are citing a journal instead of a magazine, include the volume (and issue number) and date as shown under the Journal Style above.

I guess internet magazine articles does not apply here but just in case...

When I get back home I'll look up my MLA Handbook..

Hope this helps,
Ankit wave

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria