She also said that the sample score sheets on the webpage are outdated, and that each judge could give up to *75* points, making the highest total to be 300.
That certainly makes the world of difference! goofy

I hope that in due course, the website will be updated so we can see what the numbers mean. This contest is chiefly about the opportunity to get feedback, so it would be useful to know the wording of the questions. smile I don't mean to nag, though - I'm sure we all appreciate what an enormous commitment of time this is for all the Merriweather officers!

So, if we assume that the scoring system remained the same and only the numbers of questions changed, we can tell how many there must have been in each section. Reposting my scores and Lynn's on that basis:

Section 1 - Opening Hook Two questions for consideration, min. 2 pts/max 10 pts.
Mere: 7, 7, 4, 10
Lynn: 6, 6, 10, 8

Section 2 - Characterization One question for consideration, min. 1 pts/max 5 pts.
Mere: 5, 5, 5, 5
Lynn: 2, 2, 5, 4

Section 3 - Plot Two questions for consideration, min. 2 pts/max 10 pts.
Mere: 8, 8, 8, 10
Lynn: 10, 3, 9, 10

Section 4 - Setting One question for consideration, min. 1 pts/max 5 pts.
Mere: 5, 5, 5, 5
Lynn: 5, 4, 5, 5

Section 5 - Dialogue Two questions for consideration, min. 2 pts/max 10 pts.
Mere: 8, 10, 10, 8
Lynn: 7, 8, 10, 10

Section 6 - Style One question for consideration, min. 1 pts/max 5 pts.
Mere: 4, 4, 5, 4
Lynn: 5, 3, 5, 5

Section 7 - Mechanics and Pacing Four questions for consideration, min. 4 pts/max 20 pts.
Mere: 15, 15, 18, 18
Lynn: 18, 10, 16, 18

Section 8 - Point Of View Two questions for consideration, min. 2 pts/max 10 pts.
Mere: 10, 10, 10, 9
Lynn: 4, 7, 10, 10

(I'd just like to point out that while the numbers appear in the order they were given in KatrinaLee's email to me and in Lynn's post, there's no reason to assume the judges are in the same order in the two sets of figures in each category, in other words that the judge who gave me 9 in POV gave Lynn 10. In fact, there's probably no guarantee the order is even the same throughout one email.)

Well - I have to say, that's considerably more encouraging! laugh


A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge