Thanks Sherry, Maria, Paul and Emily smile

Sherry, the "community crisis" is a good idea, but I'm gonna do such evil things to Clark that he would take precedence. evil

Maria, good idea! I could give either of them something really infectious, so they'd have to be quarantined for a couple of weeks. Chicken pox... Measles... SARS? Hmm... I shall consider this.

The storm's a thought, Paul. I don't think it would hold them up for long enough, though. I need more than a couple of days. One thought about travelling difficulties was to have them out of the country, actually, on a vacation or whatever, in some really backwater place, knowing Martha wink and have them find it really difficult to get back... roadblocks, flights cancelled, airports closed etc, like you say, but have them even further away from home.

Emily, Clark would volunteer to fly them, but when I'm done with him, he's not gonna be able to wink

These are all really wonderful ideas, guys. I think I'm beginning to see a solution to my problem here.

/me goes back to writing furiously...

(but don't stop with those ideas, if anyone has any more smile )

I love FoLC! twins

"Some prices are just too high, no matter how much you may want the prize. The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart."
--Lois McMaster Bujold, "Memory", 1996