I have a lot of experience with slang. My advisor yelles at me for using it too much.

Re "Dude" -- I say it *all the time* and never in the way you said, Lynn. I think it's because my vocabulary is so small, but I say "dude" all the time as an exclamation. I also use it when I am just talking to people -- "Rachel, dude, look at that!" Oh I also use it if I can't think of a person I'm talking about's name -- "That dude is so stupid." I also use "oh my god" all the time -- in everyday speech ALL THE TIME. Same with "Jesus Christ!"

Re. "I guess". Hmm, I would *never* say "I suppose". It sounds poumpus to me wink .

It always annoys me that my parents use a lot of lower class slang. I had neighbors that said "You's guys" talking about a group of people or "you's" just to describe one or two people. I tend to say "you guys" to describe anyone more than one person.

My parents also say "and then I says" instead of "and then I said". It drives me insane wink .

Also I guess I am totally out of the '80's becuase I use the word "awesome" and "duh" way too often wink .

I also find that I use the word "yeah" way more than I use the word "yes" (and I get yelled at about that by my advisor all the time -- even though I listened at my committee meeting and everyone on my examination committee says "yeah" instead of "yes" except my advisor wink )

- Laura smile

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve