Since our discussion of UK vs. US English has been so successful, I'd like to open up a thread to discuss the use of slang.

This topic has specific relevance to me at the moment because my current story features a character from Australia, and as I was writing him, I did tend to use what I view as accurate Australian slang. But since my knowledge of Australian slang is based on what I've seen in the movies and on TV or have read in "A Town Like Alice" which is over fifty years old, I realize that I may have gotten it all wrong.

As such, this thread is kind of a "correct me if and where I'm wrong" deal. Things that perhaps you imagine quite a few people say but in actuality are rarely used.

As an extreme example (and I don't really believe this), if I were to believe what I see on TV, I would think that Australians often walk around saying "Throw another shrimp on the barbie." wink

Anything that you all imagine we Americans say all the time? I rarely use the word "Dude" unless I'm about to swear at a jerky-driver and realize that my kids are in the car - you know, "Good move, you big...Dude!" LOL!


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah