He had little doubt that they weren't the same shoes he'd already bought.

Now, does this mean

a) He was pretty sure that these were the same shoes he'd already bought
b) He was pretty sure that these were not the same shoes he'd already bought
Ok well little doubt = pretty sure, so I would pick b.

She wondered if perhaps she hadn't dreamt the whole thing altogether.

Does this mean

a) She wondered if she had dreamt the whole thing?
b) She wondered if she had not dreamt the whole thing?
This one I'm not really sure about. I want to say it sounds like a to me, but literally taken, it would mean b, I think. Arrgh. Maybe this is some weird subjective case?

These are the things that make me hate the English language ;p

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.