You know what I was wondering? There was this episode I kind of remember. Lois had a thingy in her head, a very sci-fi scary thingy that enabled her to hear the voice of a bad guy. And he could order her around and maybe give her terrible headaches.

So, who was the bad guy? And what was his motivation, having the thingy in Lois's head? And, more importantly, *how* did he get the thingy in? And how was it removed?? And...what was the point??

Thank you to all those who have seen all the episodes and actually remember them. An episode title would be much appreciated!

And, hang on, while I'm asking. Luthor met his final FINAL death under Metropolis, right? There was a cave-in. And is that the very last we see of him in the series??


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
