Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: CC Aiken The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/26/04 05:21 AM
You know what I was wondering? There was this episode I kind of remember. Lois had a thingy in her head, a very sci-fi scary thingy that enabled her to hear the voice of a bad guy. And he could order her around and maybe give her terrible headaches.

So, who was the bad guy? And what was his motivation, having the thingy in Lois's head? And, more importantly, *how* did he get the thingy in? And how was it removed?? And...what was the point??

Thank you to all those who have seen all the episodes and actually remember them. An episode title would be much appreciated!

And, hang on, while I'm asking. Luthor met his final FINAL death under Metropolis, right? There was a cave-in. And is that the very last we see of him in the series??

Posted By: HatMan Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/26/04 05:45 AM
If it's the thingy I'm thinking of, that was Lex Luthor, Jr. In "Voice From the Past," (one of the last episodes in the series) he implanted a device which allowed him to somehow connect to Lois's nervous system. He could see what she saw and hear what she heard. He could also make her hear things he said on a microphone and inflict pain.

He was doing it because, well, he was Lex's son. He was obsessed with Lois both for revenge and because, as Lex's (rather deluded) son, he wanted to "own" her (as well as everything else his father had controlled or desired to control). He was rather obsessed with following in his father's footsteps, and then continuing on past where dear old Dad had never been able to make it.

I forget exactly how it was implanted, but I think Jr's hireling, Leslie Luckabee, basically knocked her out and injected it. Something like that. As I recall, the details were kept rather vague. She was knocked out, she woke up, and he said something like "you have been implanted with a device..." It was never explained exactly how it worked, except that it was connected to her nervous system. Removal was, I think, handled off-camera. I have the script, if you want, but I don't have time to skim through it right now.

And yes, Lex was last seen buried under a pile of rubble underground at the end of the clone wedding ARGH. He pulled the old "kidnap Lois and use her to lure Superman to my secret underground lair" trick. He had a disruptor gun he'd been using to try to kill Superman, and it ended up collapsing the tunnels around him. That ep was "Seconds."

Posted By: CC Aiken Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/26/04 07:25 AM
Thank you, Paul.

And yes, I'd love a script if you don't mind!

Posted By: Nan Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/26/04 08:12 AM
The thing was called a neural scanner. In the actual show, they didn't put it in her head. The device simply scanned her brainwaves so Lex Jr. could tune in to them with it, see what she was seeing, make her hear him and cause her pain. He could also use it to kill her if he wanted to go that far. They didn't get into real specifics with it, but it couldn't actually read her mind or anything, or she wouldn't have been able to warn Clark that something was wrong.

Posted By: Mad Dog Lane Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/26/04 08:59 AM
As far as I remember, Leslie asked Lois to touch a tuxedo and under it, he scanned her palm... or introduced something to her blood circulation. All it could see was a green light coming under the tuxedo in a small flash.

Once Superman froze Lois again so she wouldnt be cotrolled by the bad guy again, it wasn´t removed, but the device Lex Luthor Jr used was destroyed.

MDL laugh
Posted By: DocJill Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/26/04 02:09 PM
There was never anything actually implanted or injected into her. It was that neural scanner thing and "Mr. Smith" aka the real Lex Luthor Jr. had Lois feel a suit in one of the offices at the Planet and scanned her (I think I remember a green light, or something) hand at the same time. She felt a little dizzy and got wobbly, but didn't actually pass out. Then he actually started using the thing to put "voices" into her head while she was out to dinner with Clark and Leslie Luckabee/imposter Lex Jr., when imposter Jr. started talking about his sojourn with the Masai tribe in Africa and how he killed a lion with his bare hands - stupid nitwit. razz

Then there was no actual removal of anything, Clark froze her so that the painful brain waves or whatever would have no further effect on her - the whole "I'd rather have her dead/be dead than with you, you evil villain", thing. Then the control device got destroyed and there was a bomb thingy that was going to blow up and imposter Jr. and real Jr. both died, and Clark escaped with frozen Lois and had to try to revive her again like they did at the end of And The Answer Is...

And hey that was all completely from memory about an episode that I haven't seen in probably 2 years goofy
(actually liked the whole Lex Files arc pretty well - though not as much as I liked the Tempus 2 parter in Season 4 - Meet John Doe and Lois & Clarks)
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/26/04 04:50 PM
This was way more intriguing than I remembered. And thank you all for your help.

So, we're agreed that there was a suit, a green light, some scanning thingy...and then Lois heard voices, got headaches, could have been killed?

And there didn't need to be a removal because there wasn't an actual implantation. And the device thingy was destroyed.

Ok. Well. Hm.


Posted By: rivka Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/29/04 02:12 AM
Not voices -- voice. Just the one. It was actually far more interesting at the other end, where what Lois saw and heard showed up on a little TV. (Hey! I want that channel! wink )

Oh, and there was a considerable time lag (almost a day) between the scanning and Lois first hearing Smith/Luthor's voice.

Oh, and Jill, I watched the episode a couple weeks ago. Very good summary! clap
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/30/04 05:14 AM
Thanks rivka! Took me too long to see this. And very interesting, too. So, Luthor Jr could see what Lois saw and hear what she heard...?

Paul is currently in the underground lab, cobbling together all kinds of horrifying sci-fi inventions to get just the right one. And this is a nice added element!

Thanks everyone.

I feel like I should say that I haven't written a page, honest. I know it might sounds like I have, but I'm just needing something to think on while I sit in the carpool line.

Posted By: HatMan Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/30/04 04:27 PM
Hnnnn... Yesss, Master. All is going welllllll, Master. Sssoonnn we will be ready for... hnnn... tesssting, Master.

But, Master, for tessting, we will... hnnnnn... need brains. Yes, braaaaaiiinnnssss...

<hunches off>

Posted By: rivka Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/31/04 06:57 AM

Brain and brain! What is brain?
Posted By: DocJill Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/31/04 12:13 PM
Well, if you'd put on the Teacher you'd know, now wouldn't you? wink

And before we let Bones put Spock's brain back in we definitely need to borrow that little remote control thingy and see is we can get him to dance a jig. <eg>

Jill goofy
Posted By: HatMan Re: The Thing in Lois's Head? - 08/31/04 12:35 PM
Brains. Yes. Need braaaaiiinns...

<Looks at Rivka's post>

<Sigh> Need brains...

<Looks at Jill's post>

<Scratches head> Braaiins? <Notices Jill's avatar> Not squishy. <sigh>

Need braaaiiinns... braiiinnns
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