So it's not really that you've intimidated yourself out of writing something because it's too daunting or boring, but rather because you're not sure how to get from point A to point B at all. For that, I really don't have any good suggestions beyond getting away from your computer for a while. Sit in a quiet place with a notepad and try and work things out on paper, kind of like how you'd work out a word problem or something. Give yourself some time to think in a place you won't be interrupted or tempted to type things up prematurely.

The only almost sure-fire method I have found for avoiding being stuck in this position is literally outlining *everything* before I start, and I have to practically tie my hands down in order to not get started til I'm sure I've got a specific idea where my creativity bus is going to be making turns. I didn't used to do it, but there was one time I wrote myself into a corner that I literally could not write myself back out of without a really corny deus ex machina solution. The story really suffered as a result but I had already spent so much time on it, I didn't want to quit. However, I know for a lot of people who are raring to go, this advice is just detestable. Heck I even hate myself for it sometimes, so ignore me if you want ;p I know it doesn't help much for this story, anyways.

The only thing I can really add at this point is that you are your own worst critic. It really is true. Sometimes stuff you think will put your readers to sleep will enthrall them. So if you're truly out of ideas, force out something barebones and see if it takes off. You could surprise yourself.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.