ok, just some correction...

oooo... eek i cant believe i forgot such an important thing... about the Nazi thing... Superman was hit by an atomic explosion and he was radioactive for 30.000. He got rid of the problem going to the sun and using its gravity to clean himself up.

Dr. Klein doesnt help Superman find out how the transmittor works in "Toy Story". He is kidnapped by the Scientist who invented the appliance. He was working on the project and got the crdit for the invention.

He is also mentioned on the last episode "The Family Hour" where he tells Superman he isn´t able to have chidren.

Gosh... i didn´t know he had appeared so many times during the show. Practically a member of the gang. What do you think? wink

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."