The first time, the initial clue that I might be pregnant was the missed period. I'd gone off birth control four months before and knew to the day when it was due, and it didn't show up. I remember working that night and running into the restroom to check something like ten times. That was 31 years ago, and the memory is still pretty clear <g>.

The second time, I remember getting hot flashes (no kidding). Since I was 27 it didn't seem likely that it was menopause, so I called my doctor and he said hot flashes signal a hormonal change and to come in for a test. That was even before I could expect to miss a period. Sure enough, I was pregnant. (That was Tara, who just made me a grandmother for the fifth time).

With my fourth I didn't miss a period but it was really light, only a few hours or so. I took a test the next week and voila!

As a former OB/GYN nurse, I can tell you that some women (not many but a few) never miss a period the whole nine months. They just notice that the periods have gotten much lighter and never twig to the pregnancy until the big event. (Don't ask me why they don't figure it out, but it happens.)


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.