I think the most common sign that you might be pregnant is a missed period. Also, many women experience breast tenderness and this odd fatigue - a feeling of being exhausted for no explicable reason. That being said, a lot of women think they have the flu or something, especially if there is nausea. You could probably get away with Lois being a good two to three months along before she thinks that she could actually be pregnant, blaming her symptoms on a strange illness. She'd have to have fairly eradict periods, though, so she wouldn't be surprised that a couple had just never shown up <g>.

As for the feeling the baby move, that doesn't occur until well into the pregnancy, even after a woman begins to show. By the time you would feel the baby move, you would most definitely know that you were pregnant.

Hope that helps.

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah